主要学习与工作经历: 1984.09 - 1988.07:原山东工业大学,工业自动化专业,工学学士; 1988.07 - 1990.09:德州第二棉纺织厂,助工; 1990.09 - 1993.07:原山东工业大学,工业自动化专业,工学硕士; 1993.07 - 1997.09:原山东工业大学,助教; 1997.09 - 2000.06:南京航空航天大学,专业:制导、控制与仿真,工学博士; 2003.04 - 2005.04:东瀛竞技官方登录入口材料科学与工程博士后流动站,博士后 2006.04 - 2007.04:加拿大滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo),国家公派访问学者; 2008.09 - 2009.08:韩国高等教育财团、首尔大学(Seoul National University),访问学者。 2000.06 -至今: 东瀛竞技官方登录入口,教授; 研究方向: 智能机器人、机电系统智能控制、工业互联网 近年来完成的部分科研项目: 1.相贯曲线自动焊接数控装备技术与应用示范(国家863主题课题-2012AA041307); 2.可转位刀片周边五轴数控精密磨床(“高档数控机床与基础制造装备”国家科技重大专项2010ZX04001-161); 3.耐磨蚀组合涂层等离子熔射制备及表征技术(国家863主题课题-2015AA034404) 4.管道内壁等离子原位反应复合处理自动化生产线(国家863课题); 5.可转位刀片周边精密磨削数控系统(山东省科技发展计划重大课题-2014CGZH0807) 6.山东省机器人与智能装备公共技术服务平台(国际信息通信创新园JNGX(XL)-GK-2015); 7.空间相贯曲线自动焊接计算机数控技术研究与开发(山东省科技发展计划); 8.可转位刀片周边高速精密磨削自动数控编程关键技术(济南市高校院所科技计划); 9.装载机专用焊接机器人工作站装备研制(企业课题); 10.刀片周边磨削计算机数控系统(国家“八五”攻关课题子课题); 11.高性能计算机数控技术(山东省优秀中青年基金); 12.卡车后桥自动焊接计算机数控技术(山东省优秀中青年基金); 13.加工误差智能补偿算法研究与仿真(中国博士后科学基金); 14.桥壳纵缝计算机数控焊接系统(企业课题); 15. DGR-4T发动机缸体缸套等离子淬火数控系统(企业课题)。 16.风洞计算机测控系统。 17.集装箱波纹板自动焊接技术与系统(企业课题)。 18.轧花机自动调速控制(企业课题)。 19.太阳能照明智能控制系统研究(温州市科技发展计划); 目前主持承担的主要科研项目: 1. 柔性伺服铆枪系统研究(国家重点研发计划) 2. 高危环境巡检机器人多模式环境感知与仿生检测及事态研判机理研究(国家基金) 3. 协作型机器人人体碰撞安全评估系统(国家重点研发计划) 4.高品质发动机制造大数据空间构建及数据分析与应用(山东省重大科技创新工程2019JZZY010441)) 5.基于工业物联网的发动机制造过程实时数据采集与处理技术(山东省重大科技创新工程 6.应用于工业领域的静态可重构机器人关键技术研发(山东省发改委) 7.电力母排CAD/CAM系统研究 8.嵌入式边缘计算主机 获奖情况: 1.高通量耐磨蚀抗热震组合材料创新技术及产业化,山东省科技进步一等奖,2018年; 2.管道内壁等离子原位反应复合处理设备与工艺,山东省技术发明二等奖,2007年; 3.等离子原位反应复合处理设备与工艺,山东省科技进步二等奖,2006年; 4.高性能周边磨削加工计算机数控系统,山东省科技进步奖三等奖,2005年; 5.陶瓷刀片数控加工方法及工艺研究,山东省科技进步奖三等奖,2002年。 6.2MBK7125型可转位刀片周边磨床,山东省科技进步奖三等奖,1998年。 7.等离子原位反应复合处理设备与工艺,山东高等学校优秀科研成果二等奖,2006年。 授权发明专利情况: 0.田新诚,孙玉杰,徐小龙,马昕,宋锐,一种单轴旋转载体转轴转角惯性测量系统及方法,2021/02/05,专利号:ZL202010065332.3 1.田新诚,徐小龙,周乐来,一种姿态检测系统中不含重力加速度的欧拉角求解方法,2020/12/18,中国,专利号:ZL201810027570.8 2.田新诚,徐小龙,周乐来,一种基于欧拉角的姿态测量算法中避免万向节死锁的方法,2020/09/08,中国,专利号:ZL201810026385.7 3.田新诚,徐小龙,周乐来,一种手持式空间复杂曲线焊接轨迹坐标测量仪及测量方法,2020/02/07,中国,专利号:ZL201810019964.9 4.田新诚,石磊,刘燕,崔洪芝,相贯线最小曲率半径的计算方法及应用,2020/07,中国,专利号:ZL201710620117.3 5.石磊,田新诚、刘燕、崔洪芝,相贯管道支管旋转偏差量化方法及应用,2020/02,中国,专利号:ZL201710620144.0 6.田新诚,刘燕、石磊、崔洪芝,一种相贯管道主管直线度偏差量化方法及应用,2020/02,中国,专利号:ZL201710619402.3 7.刘燕、田新诚、石磊、崔洪芝,相贯管道支管Y坐标偏差量化方法及应用,2020/02,中国,专利号:ZL201710618429.0 8.田新诚、石磊、刘燕、崔洪芝,带焊接坡口的主管孔切割过程等离子割枪高度的控制方法,2019/06,中国,专利号:ZL201710308127.3 9.田新诚、石磊、刘燕,一种焊枪五次样条摆动焊轨迹规划方法、控制器及系统,2019/06,中国,专利号:ZL201710631443.4 10.田新诚,徐小龙,周乐来,一种手持式空间物体表面坐标测量仪及测量方法,2019/06,中国,专利号:ZL201810018990.X 11.田新诚,徐小龙,周乐来,一种手持式空间复杂曲线焊接轨迹坐标测量仪及测量方法,2019/02,中国,专利号:ZL201810019964.9 12.田新诚、刘燕、石磊、崔洪芝,主管钝边切割过程中等离子割枪高度的控制方法,2019/01,中国,专利号:ZL201710306915.9 13.石磊、田新诚,一种基于非线性方程组的相贯双管的相贯参数与装夹位姿的四点测量方法,2017/09,中国,ZL 201510115663.2 14.田新诚、石磊,一种基于非线性方程组的相贯双管装夹位姿的两点测定方法,2017/08,中国,ZL 201510115392.0 15.陈甜甜,田新诚,一种基于分数阶的数控加工尺寸误差自动补偿方法,2015/07,中国,ZL201310145585.1 16.田新诚,数控可转位刀片周边磨削装夹误差自动补偿方法,2014/04,中国,ZL201210086450.8 17.田新诚,基于N点法测量的可转位刀片装夹误差测定方法,2014/02,中国,ZL 201210076598.3 18.田新诚,基于N+1点法测量的可转位刀片装夹误差测定方法,2013/12,中国,ZL 201210076246.8 19.田新诚,张光先,刘涛,基于激光测距的集装箱波纹板焊接轨迹检测装置,2011/06,中国,ZL200910015342.X 20.田新诚,张光先,刘涛,基于激光测距的集装箱波纹板焊接轨迹检测与控制方法,2011/11,中国,ZL200910015611.2 21.田新诚,张光先,刘涛,基于激光测距的集装箱波纹板焊接轨迹检测与控制系统,中国,2011/05,中国,ZL200910015612.7 22.田新诚,刘涛,张光先,基于激光测距的平板对接焊缝焊接轨迹检测与控制方法,2011/05,中国,ZL200910015610.8 近期发表的主要论文: [1] Xiaolong Xu, Yujie Sun, Xincheng Tian, Lelai Zhou, Yibin Li,A Double-EKF Orientation Estimator Decoupling Magnetometer Effects on Pitch and Roll Angles,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2021.( SCI/EI, IF=7.503) [2] Yujie Sun, Xiaolong Xu, Xincheng Tian, Lelai Zhou, Yibin Li. An Adaptive Zero-Velocity Interval Detector Using Instep-Mounted Inertial Measurement Unit,IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2021.( SCI/EI, IF=3.658) [3] Weihua Fang, Xincheng Tian. Geometric error sensitivity analysis for a 6-axis welding equipment based on Lie theory,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2021, (SCI/EI, IF= 2.496) [4] Xiaolong Xu, Yujie Sun, Xincheng Tian*, Lelai Zhou*. A Novel Joint Angle Estimation Method for Serial Manipulator Using MEMS Sensors, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020.( SCI/EI, IF=7.503),中科院1区TOP [5] Xiaolong Xu, Yujie Sun, Xincheng Tian*, Lelai Zhou*, Yibin Li. A proposed attitude estimator with reliability test criteria for sensor data fusion. Measurement, 2020, vol. 150. (SCI/EI, IF=2.791) [6] Xiaolong Xu, Xincheng Tian*, Lelai Zhou*, Yibin Li. A decision-tree based multiple-model UKF for attitude estimation using low-cost MEMS MARG sensor arrays. Measurement, 2019, vol. 135, pp. 355-367. (SCI/EI, IF=2.791) [7] Yan Liu, Qiu Tang, Xincheng Tian*. A discrete method of sphere-pipe intersecting curve for robot welding by offline programming. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2019, 57: 404-411. (SCI/EI, IF= 4.392) [8] Liu Yan, Liu Ya, Tian Xincheng*, Trajectory and velocity planning of the robot for sphere-pipe intersection hole cutting with single-Y welding groove. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 56 (2019) 244–253. (SCI/EI, IF= 4.392) [9] Liu Yan, Liu Jiang, Tian Xincheng*, An approach to the path planning of intersecting pipes weld seam with the welding robot based on non-ideal models. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 55 (2019) 96–108. (SCI/EI, IF= 4.392) [10] Yan Liu, Xincheng Tian*. Robot path planning with two-axis positioner for non-ideal sphere-pipe joint welding based on laser scanning. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 105(4): 1295-1310. (SCI/EI, IF= 2.496) [11] Yan Liu, Lijuan Ren, Xincheng Tian*. A robot welding approach for the sphere-pipe joints with swing and multi-layer planning. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 105(3): 265-278. (SCI/EI, IF= 2.496) [12] Yan Liu, Lei Shi, Xincheng Tian*, Deviation quantification of the intersecting curve weld seam based on non-ideal models. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 97(1-4): 1347–1361. (SCI/EI, IF= 2.496) [13]Xiaolong Xu, Xincheng Tian*, Lelai Zhou. A Robust Incremental-Quaternion-Based Angle and Axis Estimation Algorithm of a Single-Axis Rotation Using MARG Sensors, IEEE Access, 2018, vol. 6, pp. 42605-42615. SCI/EI, IF=4.098 [14]Yan Liu, Lei Shi, Xincheng Tian*. Weld seam fitting and welding torch trajectory planning based on NURBS in intersecting curve welding. Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 2018, 95(5-8):2457-2471. (SCI/EI, IF= 2.496) [15]Yan Liu, Lei Shi, Xincheng Tian*. Plasma cutting torch trajectory planning for main pipe hole cutting with welding groove and root face. Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 2017, 93(9-12):4329-4343.(SCI/EI, IF= 2.496) [16]Lei Shi, Xincheng Tian*, Plasma beam radius compensation-integrated torch path planning for CNC pipe hole cutting with welding groove. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2017, 88:1971–1981.(SCI/EI, IF= 2.496) [17]Lei Shi,Xincheng Tian*, Chenghui Zhang, Automatic programming for industrial robot to weld intersecting pipes,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015, 81(9): 2099-2107.(SCI/EI, IF= 2.496) [18]Lei Shi,Xincheng Tian*, Automation of main pipe-rotating welding scheme for intersecting pipes,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015, 77(5): 955–964.(SCI/EI, IF= 2.496) [19]Tiantian Chen,Xincheng Tian*, Dimensional error prediction and its intelligent soft pre-compensation in batch manufacture, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015 77(1): 281-288.(SCI/EI, IF= 2.496) [20]Tiantian Chen,Xincheng Tian*,An intelligent self-learning method for dimensional error pre-compensation in CNC grinding, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014, 75(9): 1349–1356.(SCI/EI, IF= 2.496) [21]Tiantian Chen,Xincheng Tian*,Yan Li,Dimensional accuracy enhancement in CNC batch grinding through fractional order iterative learning compensation, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2014, 2014(8):1-9.(SCI/EI) [22]Tiantian Chen,Xincheng Tian*,A methodology for dimensional error intelligent compensation in indexable insert grinding, ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications. 2014, 5(5): 1199-1205.(EI) [23]Tiantian Chen,Xincheng Tian*,Yan Li,Intelligent dimensional error pre-compensation in CNC grinding using iterative learning approach,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2013, 67(5):1825–1832.(SCI/EI, IF= 2.496) [24]Yan Lü,Xincheng Tian*,Jun Liang, Track Control in Automated Welding of Saddle Curve, Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research. 2010, 69(11):811-817.(SCI) [25]Xincheng Tian*,J. P. Huissoon,Qing Xu,Bo Peng,Dimensional error analysis and its intelligent pre-compensation in CNC grinding, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2008, 36(1): 28-33.(SCI/EI, IF= 2.496) [26]Xincheng Tian*,Interpolation of Saddle-Shaped Trajectory in Non-Cartesian Coordinate System,Advanced Science Letters,July 2013. [27]Xincheng Tian*,Yan Lv, Trajectory Control in Automated Welding of Tubular Joints,Applied Mechanics & Materials, 2010, 26-28: 967-970.(EI) [28]Xincheng Tian*,Trajectory Interpolation in CNC Grinding of Indexable Inserts, International Journal ofAdvanced Materials Research, 2009.12.(EI收录) [29]Curve Fitting Approach of Saddle-Shaped Curve for Automated Welding/Cutting,Advanced Materials Research Vols. 211-212 (2011) pp 935-938.(EI收录) [30]A Novel CNC Interpolation Algorithm for Saddle Curve,Advanced Materials Research Vols. 219-220 (2011) pp 239-242.(EI收录) [31]Novel Trajectory Control Algorithm for Intersection Seam Automated Welding, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 219-220 (2011) pp 284-287.(EI收录) [32]石磊,田新诚*,主管旋转式相贯曲线自动焊接模型与仿真,焊接学报,2015,36(6):5-8(EI收录) [33]田新诚,一种新的数控磨削加工两坐标联动轨迹插补算法,中国机械工程,第15卷第2期,2004年1月,(EI收录)。 [34]亓化振,田新诚*,基于角度逼近的马鞍形曲线自动焊接插补算法,焊接学报,第28卷第3期,2007年3月,(EI收录)。 [35]吕燕,田新诚,马鞍型曲线自动焊接四轴联动插补算法[J].焊接学报.2009,30(5),(EI收录)。 主讲的研究生和本科生课程: 1.研究生课程:现代计算机数字控制技术。 2.本科生课程:微机原理及应用。 |