学习经历: 1998.09-2002.07,东瀛竞技官方登录入口,电气工程学院,本科 2002.09-2005.06,东瀛竞技官方登录入口,电气工程学院,硕士 2005.07-2008.05,南洋理工大学,博士 2006.09-2007.03,奥尔堡大学,能源技术学院,访问博士生 工作经历: 2008.07-2009.08,南洋理工大学,博士后 2010.01-至今 东瀛竞技官方登录入口,教授 承担项目: 主持和承担国家、省部级、企业项目30余项。部分项目如下: 1. “并网变流器集约化设计与精益化调控”,国家杰出青年科学基金 2. “含高比例电力电子装备的电力系统大扰动稳定和连锁故障演化基础理论”,智能电网联合基金集成项目课题负责人 3. “并网变换器优化设计与控制”,国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金 4. “并网逆变器”,山东省自然基金杰出青年基金 5. “基于全局同步脉宽调制的分布式并网逆变器优化设计与协调控制技术”,山东省自然基金面上项目 6. “基于电流源型换流器的柔性直流电网关键技术研究”,国家电网公司项目 学术论文: 学术专著1部、学术论文240余篇,其中SCI收录73篇,近2年部分论著如下: 1.Feng Gaoand Tao Xu. Coordination and Optimization of Grid-tied Power Converters. Springer, 2021. 2.GuisenYe,Feng Gao, Jingyang Fang, “A mission-driven two-step virtual machine commitment for energy saving of modern data centers through UPS and server coordinated optimizations,”Applied Energy322 (2022) 119467. 3.Decun Niu,Feng Gao, “Flexible Third Harmonic Voltage Modulation of Boost Seven-Level Active Neutral-Point-Clamped Inverter with Reduced Voltage Ripple,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., in press. 4.Decun Niu,Feng Gao,Tao Xu and Zhan Ma, “Thyristor-Based T-Type Converter With ModularMultilevel DC-Link,”IEEE Trans.PowerElectron., vol. 37, no. 8, pp. 6792-6806, Jun. 2022. 5.Xiangjian Meng,Feng Gao, Tao Xu, Chenghui Zhang, “Fast Two-Stage Global Maximum Power PointTracking for Grid-Tied String PV Inverter Using Characteristics Mapping Principle,”IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics,vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 564-574, Feb. 2022. 6.Xinian Li,Feng Gao, “A Three-Samples Filter for Fast Arbitrary Harmonic Elimination,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 69, no. 5,pp. 5122-5131, May 2022. 7.Zhan Ma,Feng Gao, Chenghui Zhang, Wei Li and Decun Niu, “Variable DC-Link Voltage Regulation of Single-Phase MMC Battery Energy Storage System for Reducing Additional Charge Throughput,”IEEE Trans.PowerElectron., vol. 36, no. 12, pp. 14267-14281, Dec. 2021. 8.Quanrui Hao, Zheng Li,Chenjing Yue,Feng Gaoand Shuying Wang, “Small-signal Model and Dynamics of MMC-HVDC Grid under Unbalanced Grid Conditions,”IEEE Trans. Power Delivery,vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 3172-3184, Oct. 2021. 9.Tao Xu,Feng Gao, Kangjia Zhou, Pengfei Tan, Chenghui Zhang and Enxian Chi, “A Min-Max Closed-Loop PLL-GSPWM for Circulating Leakage Current Attenuation in PV Station,”IEEE Trans.PowerElectron.,vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 10224-10238, Sep. 2021. 10.Xiangjian Meng,Feng Gao, Tao Xu,Kangjia Zhou and Qiang Wu, “Inverter-Data-Driven Second-level Power Forecasting for Photovoltaic Power Plant,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 68, no. 8, pp. 7034-7044, Aug. 2021. 11.Futian Qin,Feng Gao, Yi Tang, Tao Xu, Jingyu Wang and Decun Niu, “Configuration and Operation of Nine-Arm Modular Multilevel Converter with Improved Hybrid Submodules,”IEEE Trans.PowerElectron., vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 6389-6403, Jun. 2021. 授权专利: 以第一完成人授权中国发明专利34件,美国专利2件,日本专利1件。 研究生招生: 欢迎有志于电力电子、新能源与人工智能物联网交叉方向研究的同学报考硕士及博士研究生。 |