1. 国家自然科学青年基金项目:模仿人的环境认知机理的机器人室内地图自主构建研究,国家基金委,经费24万元,项目号:61203330,起止时间:2013.1~2015.12,第1位。
2. 山东省自然科学基金项目:基于上下文语义描述的服务机器人室内环境全息认知,省科技厅,经费7万元,项目号:ZR2012FM031,起止时间:2012.6~2015.5,第1位。
3. 国家青年基金项目:分数阶鲁棒自适应迭代学习控制方法的研究与实现,项目编号:61104009,国家基金委,经费24万元,起止时间:2012.1~2014.12,第2位。
4. 山东省自然科学基金项目:基于机器人服务任务导向的室内半未知环境空间模型构建,项目编号:ZR2011FM011,省科技厅,经费8万元,起止时间:2011.8~2013.8。第2位。
5. 山东省自然科学基金项目:分布阶非线性系统理论及其在复杂系统和控制中的应用,项目编号:ZR2010AM007,省科技厅,经费6万元,起止时间:2010.11-2013.11,。第2位。
6. 国家“
7. 国家“
8. 国家自然科学基金项目:“服务机器人智能空间中人的行为理解”,项目编号:61075092,国家基金委,经费36万元,起止时间:2011.1~2013.12,第4位。
1. 吴皓,田国会,王家超,周风余,室内非结构化环境三维栅格语义地图的构建, 模式识别与人工智能,2012, 32(1): 45-52.(EI)
2. WU Hao, TIAN Guo-Hui, ZHOU Meng, ZHOU Feng-Yu,Three-Dimensional Grid Map Building Based on Binocular Vision, the 30th Chinese Control Conference, July 22-24, 2011, Yantai, China: 4062-4067.(EI)
3. 吴皓,田国会,薛英花,张涛涛,周风余,基于QR code技术的家庭半未知环境语义地图构建,模式识别与人工智能,2010, 23(4): 464-471. (EI)
4. 吴皓,田国会,陈西博,张涛涛,基于机器人服务任务导向的室内未知环境地图构建,机器人,2010, 32(2): 196-201. (EI)
5. Hao Wu, Guohui Tian, Robot Heterogeneity Analysis Based on Extenics. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics[C] , August, 2007, Jinan, China:603-607. (EI:081211154960)
6. Hao Wu, Guohui Tian, Xiaolei Li, Research on Optimized Partition Algorithm for Multi Robots Collaboration Coverage, the 7th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Chongqing[C], June, 2008, Chongqing, China:3904-3909.(EI:083911599996)
7. Hao Wu, Guohui Tian, Bin Huang, Multi-robot Collaboration Exploration Based on Immune Network Model,Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics[C], July, 2008, Xi’an, China:1207-1212. (EI:084011617676)
8. Hao Wu, Guohui Tian, BinHuang, Multi-Robot Collaborative Localization Methods Based on Wireless Sensor Network, IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics[C] ,September, 2008, Qingdao, China: 2053-2058. (EI:084811743459)
9. 吴皓,田国会,黄彬,未知环境探测的多机器人协作策略研究,东瀛竞技官方登录入口学报(工学版)[J],2008,38(4):27-31
10. WU Hao, TIAN Guo-hui, ZHOU Feng-yu, LI Yan, DUAN Peng, A Cognizing Topology Map Building in A Wide-Range Indoor Structural Environment, the 2012 World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, have accepted.
11. WU Hao, TIAN Guo-hui, ZHOU Feng-yu, LI Yan, Spatial Semantic Hybrid Map Building and Application of Mobile Service Robot, the international Journal of robotics and Autonomous Systems, have accepted.
12. WU Hao, TIAN Guo-hui, ZHOU Feng-yu, LI Yan, Three Hierarchy Space Model Design of Building Service Robot Based on Artificial Label, Submitted to the international Journal of robotics research.