2001.07 山东师范大学 学士
2004.06 东瀛竞技官方登录入口 硕士
2007.06 东瀛竞技官方登录入口 博士
2007.07-2010.08 山东师范大学 讲师
2010.09- 东瀛竞技官方登录入口 讲师、副教授、教授
[J1] G. C. Wang, Z. Wu. Kalman-Bucy filtering equations of forward and backward stochastic systems and applications to recursive optimal control problems. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 342, pp: 1280-1296, 2008.
[J2] G. C. Wang, Z. Wu. The maximum principles for stochastic recursive optimal control problems under partial information. IEEE Trans. Auto. Contr., 54(6), pp: 1230-1242, 2009.
[J3] J. H. Huang, G. C. Wang, J. Xiong. A maximum principle for partial information backward stochastic control problems with applications. SIAM J. Control Optim., 48(4), pp: 2106-2117, 2009.
[J4] G. C. Wang, Z. Wu. General maximum principles for partially observed risk-sensitive optimal control problems and applications to finance. J. Optim. Theory Appl., 141, pp: 677-700, 2009.
[J5] G. C. Wang, Z. Y. Yu. A Pontryagin’s maximum principle for non-zero sum differential games of backward stochastic differential equations with applications. IEEE Trans. Auto. Contr., 55(7), pp: 1742-1747, 2010.
[J6] J. H. Huang, X. Li, G. C. Wang. Maximum principles for a class of partial information risk-sensitive optimal controls. IEEE Trans. Auto. Contr., 55(6), pp: 1438-1443, 2010.
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[J8] J. H. Huang, G. C. Wang, Z. Wu. Optimal premium policy of an insurance firm: full and partial information. Insur. Math. Econ., 47, pp: 208-215, 2010.
[J9] G. C. Wang, Z. Wu. Mean-variance hedging and forward-backward stochastic differential filtering equations. Abst. Appl. Anal., Volume 2011, Article ID 310910, 20 pages, 2011.
[J10] G. C. Wang, Z. Y. Yu. A partial information non-zero sum differential game of backward stochastic differential equations with applications. Automatica, 48(2): 342-352, 2012.
[J11] G. C. Wang, Z. Wu, J. Xiong. Maximum principles for forward-backward stochastic control systems with correlated state and observation noises. SIAM J. Control Optim., 51(1), pp: 491-524, 2013.
[J12] G. C. Wang, C. H. Zhang, W. H. Zhang. Stochastic maximum principle for mean-field type optimal control under partial information. IEEE Trans. Auto. Contr., 59(2), pp: 522-528, 2014.
[J13] G. C. Wang, H. Xiao. Arrow sufficient conditions for optimality of fully coupled forward-backward stochastic differential equations with applications to finance. J. Optim. Theory Appl., 165, pp: 639-656, 2015.
[J14] E. C. M. Hui, G. C. Wang. A new optimal portfolio selection model with owner-occupied housing. Appl. Math. Comput., 270, pp: 714-723, 2015.
[J15] G. C. Wang, Z. Wu, J. Xiong. A linear-quadratic optimal control problem of forward-backward stochastic differential equations with partial information. IEEE Trans. Auto. Contr., 60, pp: 2904-2916, 2015.
[J16] J. T. Shi, G. C. Wang, J. Xiong. Leader-follower stochastic differential game with asymmetric information and applications. Automatica, 63, pp: 60-73, 2016.
[J17] J. T. Shi, G. C. Wang. A non-zero differential game of BSDE with time-delayed generator with applications. IEEE Trans. Auto. Contr., 61, pp: 1959-1964, 2016.
[J18] G. C. Wang, J. Xiong, S. Q., Zhang. Partially observable stochastic optimal control. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Model., 13(4), pp: 493-512, 2016.
[J19] J. T. Shi, G. C. Wang, J. Xiong. Linear-quadratic stochastic Stackelberg differential game with asymmetric information. Sci. China Inf. Sci., DOI: 10.1007/s11432-016-0654-y.