SOAS-Zhejiang University Workshop on Finance

发布日期: 2017-07-18 来源:dwjl 2713

             SOAS-Zhejiang University Workshop on Finance

时  间:2017年7月22日

地  点:玉泉校区邵逸夫科技馆

主持人:王义中 教授



协办单位:  永利集团304am登录应用经济研究中心  



Opening remarks by Vice Dean Liuyong Yang

Morning Section: Chaired by Dean Christine Oughton





Speaker:Professor  Gerhard  Kling  (SOAS) 

Topic : Why do firms adopt stock options and who benefits? A natural experiment in China






Speaker: Associate professor Jianliang Ye (ZJU)

Topic: The spillover effects of zombies:  evidences from China



Speaker: Professor Ulrich Volz (SOAS)

Topic: Effects of financial system size and structure on the real economy: What do we know and what do we not know

Afternoon Section: Chaired by Professor Yizhong Wang


 13:10- 13:50

Speaker: Assistant Professor Qi Xu (ZJU)

Topic: Global economic policy uncertainty and the cross-section of currency risk premia


 13:50- 14:30

 Speaker: Professor  Oughton  Christine ,Victor Murinde(SOAS)

Topic: Household Portfolio Behaviour: New Insights into Financial Inclusion?


 14: 30-15:10

Speaker: Yu Zhu (ZJU)

Topic: Investor Learning Through Social Trading Network.


