
发布日期: 2014-05-28 来源:dwjl 1536

    新西兰奥克兰大学与我校均是世界大学网络(Worldwide Universities Network, WUN)的成员院校。

    现附上该校的邮件,他们计划向WUN申报一个科研项目(The Liveable University),为此,特来信寻求我校的合作伙伴,共同开展此科研项目。 如有感兴趣教师,可直接与对方联系。具体请看以下内容:


The liveable university

 This project investigates the university as a microcosm, test case and demonstration of a liveable city (Universitas 21 Statement on Sustainability). In the context of Auckland City Learning Quarter and Auckland Plans, we consider the university potential to be socially responsible, pro-creative and sustainable, and thus liveable. Our working assumption is that engagement, equity and access are prerequisite to the university and must be reflected in its form as much as in its processes. Liveability thus addresses the university as ecology, that is, as an intelligent system that works � or ought to work � for the flourishing of people and the nourishing of place. We have three goals in mind:

  • to build relationships with institutes and individuals concerned with sustainable urban environments elsewhere;
  • to develop workshops and an interactive exhibition/symposium that engage the university community (staff, students, campus workers, alumni and public) in games of social value; and
  • to construct research applications to local and international funding agencies to further develop the idea of the liveable university.

Project team:


Dr Stephen Turner (English, Drama and Writing Studies) sf.turner@auckland.ac.nz

Dr Sean Sturm (Centre for Higher Learning and Research) s.sturm@auckland.ac.nz

Dr Kirsten Locke (Education) k.locke@auckland.ac.nz

Assoc Prof Niki Harre (Psychology) n.harre@auckland.ac.nz

Dr Anna Boswell (English, Drama and Writing Studies) a.boswell@auckland.ac.nz