关于爱丁堡大学John S. Henley教授讲座的通知

发布日期: 2008-10-23 来源: 1175

应赵伟教授邀请,英国爱丁堡大学管理与永利集团304am登录John S. Henley教授将来我院和CRPE进行学术访问并发表专题讲演。Henley教授研究领域广泛, 涉及经济全球化、企业重组与私有化以及零售业的国际化等论题。曾协助爱丁堡大学组建了波兰洛兹区域管理中心,多次参与联合国工业发展组织(UNIDO)的相关研究,兼任联合国工业发展组织(UNIDO)非洲外商投资调查首席顾问。Henley教授近年涉足中国、印度等新兴市场经济对外直接投资问题的研究,此次演讲基于其最新研究成果。欢迎感兴趣的师生听讲。



Chasing the Dragon: Investment in India and China Compared

主讲人Prof. John S. Henley

主持人:赵   教授


200810 27日(周一)下午 4:00  



附:John S. Henley教授简历


Professor of International Management and Head of Strategy and International Business Group


FRSA; BSc  (London); PhD (London).

Director of Edinburgh Consortium 1991-1997 that helped to establish a Regional Management Centre in Lodz, Poland. Formerly taught at London School of Economics and University of Nairobi; industrial experience as personnel officer.

Research interests

Investor behaviour in emerging markets: globalisation of economies, commercialisation, privatisation and enterprise restructuring; Internationalization of retailing in Central Europe; Country interests: Poland, Lithuania, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, The Kyrgyz Republic, Uzbekistan, Kenya, China and India.

Dissertation areas supervised

Foreign direct investments in India or sub-Saharan Africa